Not Everyone Who Leaves Is A Loss

Breakups. Job losses. Friendships fading. Life throws a lot of goodbyes our way, and it’s easy to get stuck in the pit of “what ifs” and “should haves.” We cling to the past, convinced the person or situation leaving is a devastating...

God Can Use The Worst In Others To Bring Out The Best In You!

Life can be tough. We all face adversity, those moments that test our strength, patience, and faith. Sometimes, the source of that adversity can be the very people we least expect – those who act with cruelty, malice, or negativity. But here’s a truth that...

Is Your Process Messing With Your Confidence?

Life can feel like a wilderness sometimes. You push forward, feeling optimistic and determined. But then… unexpected obstacles show up and seem to impede the path you thought was taking you into a successful places seems to The story of the Israelites in the...